Sunday, April 03, 2005

Cave Lesson

The last weekend of March found mom and I in Medford, Or. for the weekend visiting friends who had gathered from CA, ID, WA and OR. On Sunday a few of us went to Oregon Caves and while we were there we saw something that as I thought about it really lent itself well to an object lesson. (I love object lessons, they are usually so practical, so please if you ever have one to share don't hesitate! Share, share share!)
At one point in the cave there is a flow stone formation that back in the 1800's was the farthest point that you could go in the cave. Between 1884-1889 some professors from the university brought their geology classes there and as part of the experience would have them sign the flowstone as a way of taking role. Today the dates and some of the names are still readable. About 25 yrs. ago someone got the bright idea to remove the writing since it was "graffiti" but when they tried they realized that in the proceeding 100 yrs. the water and minerals had continued to flow over the formation and now the writing was actually sealed in and part of the rock. The only way to remove it was to actually chip it out which would have ruined the formation. Interestingly enough when they realized that the same people who had just called the writing graffiti suddenly started calling it historical markings and it has been left!
As I reflected about this writing I was impressed with how much we are like that flow stone in some ways. We are always getting "written on" one way or another through temptations, life events, choices that me make, etc. As time goes on each temptation that we don't resist for example reacts on our character and leaves a mark. Imperceptibly , as with the tiny amounts of water that have been flowing over the rock in the cave for the last 100 years., in may ways these marks because part of us for better or worse. Some of those marks are fine and should be left but others need to be removed and I thought about how at times the Lord must hew and polish us to remove the effects of sin or character defects. Sometimes the removal of the "writing" is not a pleasant process but one that must be done if we are to appear before Him without spot or blemish. This made me think about how careful I should be about what I allow to make up the "flow stone" of my life and how I need to not fight against the events that the Lord allows to teach and prefect me. Unlike the geologists that knew that they couldn't remove the writing and maintain the beauty of the formation God not only removes the defects in our lives but He leaves us more beautiful that when He began!
I realize that there probably many more lessons that could be learned from this so if something else comes to mind I would love to hear (read) it. Thinking about this whole picture was very encouraging to me and I hope to you in some way. Now I just need to remember it when I am feeling lost or confused...the end will be better than the beginning if I will only trust. :-)


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