April Fool
So did anything funny happen to you this April fools day? I have never had anything funny happen to me but this year was a bit of an exception in a strange way.
I was getting ready to read morning devotions with Nicki and mom comes up with a funny look on her face and says I need to come down right now. I follow her down to the bathroom and what a sight met my eye! There was Tut-tut, my little black cat, with about a foot of doubled yarn hanging out his bum! This is not the first time he has eaten string. One time a few months ago he woke me up in the middle of the night with a piece hanging out of his mouth and I was able to pull the 4ft. drawstring that he had ingested back out again. Thankfully it was about 1:30am and I was still half asleep or I think I would have been way more grossed out than I was! Anyway it's 6:45 am and I have a cat walking around with a very smelly string hanging out of his behind. We actually were able to pull out about another foot before it stopped and then he would vomit every time it was touched after that so I just cut it off a few inches from his little bum and proceeded to call the emergency clinic. I wanted to find out if I could wait to take him in till the vet opened at 8:00. At this point he was also vomiting up 6 in. piece from the front end. When I called the clinic I explained my situation to the lady who answered the phone and her response was, "Oh hey, floss the kitty!" We had a good laugh and she assured me he would be fine till the vet opened. Needless to say I was late for work on Friday but several hundred dollars later and three cuts into his intestines later he is fine. Though he is quite frustrated that he has be to be on a liquid diet for the next week! When I went to pick him up one of the ladies at the vet assured me that it was quite a humorous operation and when I asked her if that meant she got to watch she said, "Oh no I got to be the bum string puller! Once they had gotten the ball out of his intestines and cut the other pieces that went up to his stomach I got to pull the final piece out of his bum. It was pretty exciting!" Just goes to show that certain professions have different ideas of fun and humor!
When I went back to get him from the cage yesterday morning the name tag said "Tutu" and I told him maybe that was closer to the truth. Maybe he doesn't quite fit something as intelligent as King Tut! What an April fool. LOL
Oh and your daily tidbit of useless information. Did you know that cats and dogs can walk just fine without a hip joint? I would have never thought of such a thing but you guessed it when when vet called me to let me know how the surgery went he asked me if Tut had ever had a leg injury. I told him, "No but when he was a tiny kitten, like around 3 weeks old there was a time when he really didn't seem to be able to put any weight on his back right leg." He then proceeded to inform me that Tut has just a straight femur bone on that side and it doesn't look like he has a pelvic socket there either. It seems that this will not be a problem for him (I would have never known by the way he jumps up on everything and races around.) and in fact in many cases when animals break their hips or upper femur bones they actually go in and cut the joint part of the bone off and after a short period of time the muscles and ligaments actually tighten and form a false joint there. Probably when he was a baby and just starting to walk that is why for a week or so he wasn't using that leg properly, the muscles hadn't strengthened quite enough yet but after continued use they seemed to be normal. I admit its not the most useful bit of info you will ever be told but I thought it was rather interesting.
I promise that I won't bore you with cat stories all the time but this one was a bit on the extreem side so I had to share! Sorry :-)
Hey there!
Blogging is fun, I'm glad that you'll be able to start! :-p
Well, I hope you enjoy your blogging experience, and if you need help figuring out anything about this blog-site, let me know! I've learned all kinds of neat tricks from some other bloggers!
I like your object lesson! and the whole story was interesting! :-p Object lessons are just interesting, and just....good. :-p
Anyway! Good luck with the blogging!
Thanks for your offer of help. I would love any suggestions you have to offer since I really have no idea what I am doing...just learning as I stumble through. glad you stopped by and I will look forward to hearing from you again! Hugs.
Love ya.
Hey you--are we talking about the same little kitty that you brought over in a baby sling once?? Wow, does he get himself in fixes! Phew!
Yes this is the very same little black blob of screaming fur that I brought over to your house. He is now about 9mo. old with legs like springs and I can't keep him off of or out of anything. He likes to supervise everything I do and sometimes even to help like when it's time to do dishes I can't keep him on the floor. As you can imagine he is a great help!
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