Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Mouse

Cats were going crazy under my bed and I figured there was something down there. Then I went into my room and what should run up the corner of my bed but a little gray mouse. Of course it being me I can't honestly make it a good story and say that I ran screaming from the room but it did lead me to ponder mouse traps! I just can't say that I have ever set one. I know it's a little shocking but somehow I have always managed to have someone in my life who will set them for me and I can't say I have ever complained! But then I found this trap and I think it's just the one for me!!! Can you believe people actually invent this stuff??? Just made me laugh and I had to share.


At 8:33 PM, January 20, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What trap? Did you mean to include a picture?


At 8:46 PM, January 20, 2008 , Blogger Crystal said...

No Picture sorry but the link was's all fixed now so you can go and check it out. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

At 3:53 PM, January 31, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol that is funny!!

At 7:01 AM, February 08, 2008 , Blogger Ruth said...

Quite the trap! You might think about "the better mouse trap" --you can buy them at your local Canadian Tire (or whatever you have out there) for a buck :) I can sympathize --had some bad experiences with rat-traps. :S

At 5:52 PM, February 08, 2008 , Blogger Crystal said...

Thanks Ruth. Yes we have Canadian Tires across the border so next time I am up there I might stop in a have a look. Sounds interesting.


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