Monday, March 27, 2006

Ice and Bones do not Mix

So for once skate guarding today was exciting. I was in the skate room doling out skates when I noticed that there was some comotion on the ice. I saw the rink manger and a few others clustered around this guy that I had just given skates to a few min. before. I quickly laced up my skates and went out there just as they were getting him in a chair to get him off the ice. Some of the hockey players had come over to help which was really nice. It turned out that the poor guy hadn't even made it around once before he fell and dislocated his R. hip. His foot was stuck at a strange angle that just didn't look normal! We got him laid down off the ice, covered with blankets and he called his wife, a naturpath a couple of blocks from the rink. I worked on getting his skates off and she soon arrived. Everyone else sort of came and went but I stayed with them while she (and he as he could) worked to get his hip back in place. It took a while but she suceeded to get it in enough that we could him standing up along the wall and he kept working it till his leg was hanging correctly but he still couldn't put any weight on it. She and I then, one under each arm, slowly, as much as he could handle at a time, helped him to their van. She was taking him to a chiropractor to finish making sure it was back in completely, take a few x-rays, etc. He was in a fair amount of pain and by the time we got him to the van he was getting pretty tired from the shock of the whole thing. Jean gave him some arnica and was going to get him fixed up with some more things when they got home. Overall I thought he did pretty good. While we were there on the floor as she worked his leg and I held his hand while he gritted his teeth and tried to breath through the pain I felt like I was somewhere in the distant past and almost wished I had a bullet for him to bite on!
They are a very nice couple and encouraged me to skip nuring school and just head straight to the school that they both went to and become a naturopathic Dr. They gave me their card and said if I never needed any health care or wanted to talk about the school or my future in health care to come by. I had looked at the school already but didn't really give it much serious it's time for some more thought and prayer. It's not out of the realm of possibility with the Lord but I just need to know for sure that's what He would have me to do. Humm...Doctor Barlean doesn't really have a great ring but I guess I could work with it! LOL maybe I am getting ahead of my self just a little. :-)
Nothing happens by accident so we'll see where it leads in the future. It was certainly a very interesting experience and one that just further sets me in my plan to go into the health care field.


At 6:59 AM, March 28, 2006 , Blogger Balvanz said...

So you work at a skating rink. Do you ever ice skate yourself? I LOVE ice skating it is so much fun!

That sounds like an interesting experience. Do you see many injuries working there?

At 7:27 AM, March 30, 2006 , Blogger Crystal said...

Yes Abbie I do ice skate. I don't get on the ice as much as would have liked recently but I am usually one the ice at least once or twice a week. I only work there one afternoon a week as a volunteer skate guard in exchage for ice time.

I don't see many injuries beyond the general bumps and bruises but we do see a fair amount of head injuries in general.


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