News Flash
I am getting ...
ha, ha, you thought it was going to be something really exciting didn't you??? LOL
Actually nothing quite that exciting but I just had to mention that hiking season has really started in earnest! I have plans to be out a lot this year and I would love some company. If any of you are feeling like hitting the hills I would love to have you join me! But so far judging by my hikes the last two weekends it's going to be a bad year for bugs so just be prepared. There are some fabulous trails in the Chuckanut area, one of which I checked out today, in addition to all sorts of adventures geocaching so there is no end to fun we could have! Then of course there are the fabulous trails higher up in the mountains that get good later in the summer. Last summer I hardly got out at all but this summer will not a repeat preformance. I don't know what my schedule will be like exactly but try me if you want to get together and I am sure we can make something work.
Hope to hit the hills with you sometime this spring or summer!
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