Monday, January 29, 2007

My Kind of Weather

Ok so since I just talked about snow in my earlier post I had to post this. I saw this little test on a friends my space and had to try it out. The results just made me sit at my computer and laugh though no one was around! Humm...I never thought about being magical but potentially dangerous and certainly appologize if my arrive as been aticipated and then my presense tiring at events! Please share with me ways that I might be less sickening if any come to mind! Seriously now!

You Are Snow

Magical yet potentially destructive
You are well known as fun to play with
People anticipate your arrival but then are quickly sick of you

You are best known for: your serenity

Your dominant state: reflecting


At 9:05 AM, January 30, 2007 , Blogger Balvanz said...

Oh that is funny, Crystal! I would never describe snow like that--snow is soft, fluffy, refreshing, beautiful, sparkly, bright, fun...I took the test and I was a rainbow.

At 7:34 AM, February 06, 2007 , Blogger Balvanz said...

Where have you vanished to, dear Crystal?

Don't tell me you've found a life outside of blogging! ;) lol

At 9:26 PM, February 08, 2007 , Blogger Mark said...


I dare not take that test...well...maybe

At 7:18 AM, February 13, 2007 , Blogger Rebekah said...

I was a rainbow too...hmm.

At 6:34 PM, February 16, 2007 , Blogger Crystal said...

Humm...I wonder what answers you had to put in for a rainbow? Oh well snow I am and just will have to keep in mind the "tire of you quickly" and try to not over stay my welcome with others.


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