Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Mouse

Cats were going crazy under my bed and I figured there was something down there. Then I went into my room and what should run up the corner of my bed but a little gray mouse. Of course it being me I can't honestly make it a good story and say that I ran screaming from the room but it did lead me to ponder mouse traps! I just can't say that I have ever set one. I know it's a little shocking but somehow I have always managed to have someone in my life who will set them for me and I can't say I have ever complained! But then I found this trap and I think it's just the one for me!!! Can you believe people actually invent this stuff??? Just made me laugh and I had to share.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Welcome 2008!

I don't know that I can believe that this is already 2008. Wonder that the new year will hold for everyone? I wish everyone well and God's blessing no matter what the new year holds.
"Our greatest fear should not be of failure but of succeeding at things do not matter."

May God bless you all!