Sunday, June 05, 2005

I just have to brag! She is such a little doll...ok so maybe I am a little biased! Sorry it's a little blurry...she was in the process of dropping a John Deer tractor on the floor.


At 9:21 PM, June 08, 2005 , Blogger Rebekah said...

Ooo! I adore her in that pink dress--that's how every little girl should look!

At 10:52 PM, June 08, 2005 , Blogger Crystal said...

She is pretty cute! I went over there this evening and played with her for a little while and she actually cried when I left and her dad brought her to the window to wave bye-bye...did my heart good! She is starting to talk which is pretty cute, though you know that already from your neices and nephews.


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