Sunday, June 05, 2005

Teagan's First Birthday

The cake shot! What first birthday would be complete without it! She didn't eat much of the cake just played in it and smeared it all over her lap!


At 8:32 AM, June 08, 2005 , Blogger Justin C. said...

Nice shot. One to remember. Have not visited in a while but decided to stop by. Keep posting.

At 9:20 PM, June 08, 2005 , Blogger Rebekah said...

What a darling child! You must be so proud. By the way, I thought that the whole god-parent thing was a catholic tradition. Is your friend catholic? However, that is such a special thing--and very lovely.

At 11:00 PM, June 08, 2005 , Blogger Crystal said...

Thanks CT! I haven't posted much lately but I promise I will get back into something a little more substantional very soon!

Rebekah, I don't know about god parents being a catholic thing honestly. Her parents wanted god parents for her and a couple of weeks after her birth they came to me and told me I was the most godly young lady they knew and asked me if I would consent to be being her god mother. They wanted me to be involved in her life in a special way and share my values with her as she grows up. I was quite humbled and honored all at the same time and I can only pray that I am truely a blessing to Teagan as she grows. I am not catholic as you well know and neither are they. I am keeping a journal for her of things I want to share with her as she gets older and hope one day when she is old enough to appreciate it to share it with her on some special occasion. Years will tell how and when that happens! In the mean time I am thrilled to watch her grow up and will just love her and be a proud "auntie"! Hope that answers your question.


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