Sunday, July 17, 2005

Photos from this weekend

On Sabbath afternoon I took my mom and my cat on a short hike up Boundary Trail and these are a few of the photos I took along the way.

The view of one little meadow we walked through.

A view to the east from the trail.

My Tut-tut sitting pretty in the meadow!

A little woodsy flower.

This was a dusk shot of Mt. Baker from the road as we were heading home.

The last of the fading sunset also from the road on the way home.


At 4:26 PM, July 21, 2005 , Blogger Kristi said...

Those pictures are beautful Crystal. Isn't God's creation wonderful?

I'm so glad I got to finaly meet you even if it was for just a second before my game started:)

At 9:26 PM, July 21, 2005 , Blogger Justin C. said...

Amazing Crystal. Nice shot of baker. Hey, off the subject, but if you ever go camping, go to lake kachess off of I-90. It is spectacular! Went about a week ago!

At 10:28 PM, July 21, 2005 , Blogger Crystal said...

It was great to meet you! I hope next time it can be for a little longer too. :-) I love nature and spending time outdoors in it. I was raised in the woods and there is a sense of coming home, of peace and wonder in it for me that can't be matched anywhere else.

Thanks for your compliment of my elementary experiments in photography. I love taking pictures as you may have figured out by now.
About camping...I love camping but can never find anyones to go with me so sometimes I go alone and other times I make my mom go with me! Though I am always on the hunt for camping and hiking company so far my search has come up short! We should get together sometime and take in a mountian! LOL
I have never heard of the Lake you mentioned but I will definetly have to look it up and see how far it is from here. I would love to check it out sometime. Thanks for the tip.

At 12:18 PM, July 22, 2005 , Blogger Kristi said...

*sniff* I am so sad that I was not there when you finally got to meet my little sis....I had to work evening shift that night. :(

AWESOME picture. You could be a professional photographer! Ever thought about that?

At 4:17 PM, July 24, 2005 , Blogger Crystal said...

I am sorry you were not there the other night as well. I could have used you to explain what was happening to me! I was sort of lost but I enjoyed watching everyone and looking for familier faces so it could have been worse. You didn't actually miss much except her recognition of me and a quick hug! I hope I actually get the chance to talk to see her and talk to her again sometime.

Yes I have thought it would be fun to be a photographer and who knows, someday maybe I will try and do something with some of my photos.


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