Sunday, July 09, 2006


I attended my 10th HS reunion today and what an interesting experience it was. People that I never talked to in HS were there and were very friendly, remembered me, etc. Others that I actually spent time with couldn't remember my name or anything about me. Many of them had children and some of those that I would never have pegged as having kids were now domesticated, settled down and the family sort. Some hadn't changed too much, I immeadiately knew them, and others had changed so much I had to get the annual and look them up. People that were loners in HS and who I expected would drift off and no one would know where they ended up there while others that were part of the "in crowd" who I was sure would always be in touch were lost and no one knew where they were. It seems like 10 or 12 years is such a long time but in looking back it seems like yesterday and it's hard to believe so much time as passed. I was very glad I went and I look forward to the next one in 10 or 15 years...yikes we will all be almost or over 40 by then!

Made me think about the people that I know now and wonder where will we all be in another 10 years? Will we still be in touch? Will we still know what's happening with one another? How many kids will be in the mix and who will have husbands and wives to add to the mix? How much will people have have changed? Unanswerable questions at this point but time will certainly tell and I am curious to see how things turn out.


At 11:00 PM, July 09, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now-now! Sounds like someone wants to know the future! :) Yes, I agree it will be most interesting to see how the Lord has willed things to be in the next 10 years, provided Jesus hasn't returned by then.
I have a feeling that most of us would not believe where we will be then, if we could see it now; amazing isn't it, how we change over time but can't stand the change all at once.


At 6:36 PM, July 10, 2006 , Blogger Crystal said...

I don't really want to know the future I just want it to be over and done with, that's all. I too wonder if we will still even be here in another 10 years??? I realize that we have to live everyday and the memories made along the way are what make life interesting and something to be remembered but I am sort of just in an impatient mood at the moment I guess.

At 5:49 PM, August 08, 2006 , Blogger Mark said...

Impatient indeed...but understandable for someone like you who, like me, perhaps isn't at the point yet of feeling confident about what God has called you to do with your life.

Or is my observation a little off??


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